Damiir: Hordhac Gaaban oo Aad u Gaaban
الضمير: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Raadiyadii ugu dambeeyay halkan ayay ka soo muuqan doonaan
Damiir: Hordhac Gaaban oo Aad u Gaaban
Suha Shami d. 1450 AHالضمير: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Sermones, Latin Works , vol. 7:3 (London, 1890).
On Fisher’s rejoinder, see Richard Rex,
The Theology of John Fisher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991).
More’s letters are cited from
The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More , ed. Elizabeth Frances Rogers (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947). Henry’s
are printed in
The Divorce Tracts of Henry VIII , ed. Edward Surtz and Virginia Murphy (Angers: Moreana, 1988). Other period documents are cited from
Letters and Papers ... of the Reign of Henry VIII , vols 4:1 and 5 (The Stationery Office, 1878-80).
Luther’s words are quoted from
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