Dadaism iyo Surrealism: Hordhac kooban

Axmed Maxamed Ruubi d. 1450 AH

Dadaism iyo Surrealism: Hordhac kooban

الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Although contested now, Peter Bürger,

The Theory of the Avant Garde (University of Minnesota, 1984), is the key work on its topic. The best general history is Dawn Ades,

Dada and Surrealism Reviewed (Arts Council of Great Britain, 1978), with its emphasis on both movements’ publications, but see also Matthew Gale’s chronology,

Dada and Surrealism (Phaidon, 1997). In terms of Dada, a major eight-volume study is in progress, with each volume dedicated to a different centre (ed. Stephen Foster, G. K. Hall &; Co., 1996-). Richard Sheppard’s

Modernism-Dada-Postmodernism (Northwestern University Press, 2000) collects his important essays on Dada together. For branches of Dada see: Francis Nauman,

New York Dada 1915-1923 (Harry N. Abrams, 1994); Michel Sanouillet,

Dada à Paris (Flammarion, 1993); Robert Short, 'Paris Dada and Surrealism,’ Dada:

Studies of a Movement,

ed. R. Sheppard (Alpha Academica, 1979); and the essays in Stephen Foster and Rudolf Kuenzli,

Dada Spectrum: The Dialectics of Revolt (Coda, 1979). On Surrealism, see Maurice Nadeau’s pioneering

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