Культурные основы наций: иерархия, завет и республика

Сафия Мухтар d. 1450 AH

Культурные основы наций: иерархия, завет и республика

الأسس الثقافية للأمم: الهرمية والعهد والجمهورية


Connor, Walker (1994):

Ethno-Nationalism: The Quest for Understanding,

Connor, Walker (2004): “The Timelessness of Nations,” in Guibernau and Hutchinson (2004, 35-47).

Conversi, Daniele (1997):

The Basques, the Catalans and Spain: Alternative Routes to Nationalist Mobilization,

London: C. Hurst.

Conversi, Daniele (ed.) (2002):

Ethno-Nationalism in the Contemporary World: Walker Connor and the Study of Nationalism,

London: Routledge.

Cook, J. M. (1983):

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