Классическое наследие: Очень короткое введение

Мухаммад Фатхи Хидр d. 1450 AH

Классическое наследие: Очень короткое введение

التراث الكلاسيكي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Voyage à Athènes et Constantinople (Paris, 1825). (2-4) O. M. von Stackelberg,

Der Apollontempel zu Bassae in Arkadien und die daselbst ausgegrabenen Bildwerke (Rome, 1826). (3-1) Courtesy of the Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge. (3-2) Courtesy of I. Jenkins. (3-3) Courtesy of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. (4-1) Courtesy of the Egypt Exploration Society. (4-2) Florence, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, MS Laur. 68.2, fol. 6v. (5-3) From S. E. Alcock,

Graecia Capta. The Landscapes of Roman Greece (Cambridge University Press, 1993) after N. J. G. Pounds’s

An Historical Geography of Europe, 450 BC-AD 1330 (Cambridge University

(6-1) From D. L. Page,

Aeschyli Tragoediae (Oxford, 1972). (7-3) C. R. Cockerell,

The Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae near

(London, 1860). (7-5) Courtesy of the British Museum. (7-6) Courtesy of the British Museum. (9-1) Courtesy of the Wheeler Opera House. (9-2) R. Goscinny and A. Uderzo,

Asterix the Gladiator (Leicester, 1973). © 1995 by Les Éditions Albert René/Goscinny-Uderzo. (9-3) G. Willans and R. Searle,

Down with Skool! (Pavillion Books, London, 1958). (9-4) G. Willans and R. Searle,

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