Еда в древнем мире
الطعام في العالم القديم
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Еда в древнем мире
Иман Джамал Дин Фармави d. 1450 AHالطعام في العالم القديم
15: 137-47.
Athenian Religion: A History (Oxford: Oxford University
Histories (London: Harvard University
An Investigation into the Sources of Holistic Medicine in the Hippocratic Corpus: a Comparative Approach Using the Caraka Samhita of Ayurveda (unpublished MPhil thesis, Exeter).
Human Physiology: The Basis of Medicine (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Blood and Guts: A Short History of Medicine (London:
Galen: On the
(Cambridge: Cambridge University
Journal of Roman Studies
75: 1-19.
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