Мартин Лютер: Очень короткое введение
مارتن لوثر: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Мартин Лютер: Очень короткое введение
Каузар Махмуд Мухаммад d. 1450 AHمارتن لوثر: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
http://www.luther-gesellschaft.com ) The Luther-Gesellschaft is a scholarly society that holds conferences and promotes research and publications on Martin Luther and the Reformation, including the journal
Luther , published three times a year, and the annual
Lutherjahrbuch . (
http://www.lutheranquarterly.com ) The
Lutheran Quarterly Journal
Lutheran Quarterly Books
feature essays, book reviews, and monographs on Luther and Lutheranism. (
www.reformationresearch.org ) The Society for Reformation Research sponsors conference sessions, awards, and the
Archive for Reformation History , which is published jointly with its European counterpart.
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