Геродот: Очень короткое введение
هيرودوت: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Геродот: Очень короткое введение
Халид Гариб Кали d. 1450 AHهيرودوت: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Gordon S. Shrimpton,
History and Memory in Ancient Greece,
with an appendix on Herodotus’s sources by G. S. Shrimpton and K. M. Gillis (Montreal and Buffalo, New York: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997).
Rosalind Thomas,
Herodotus in Context: Ethnography, Science, and the Art of
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).
K. H. Waters,
Herodotus the Historian: His Problems, Method, and Originality (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985).
Stephanie West, 'The Scythian Ultimatum (Herodotus IV 131-132)’,
Journal of Hellenic Studies,
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