Литература для детей: очень короткое введение

Ясир Хасан d. 1450 AH

Литература для детей: очень короткое введение

أدب الأطفال: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Assassin’s Creed I


II , see Marcello Arnaldo

Games of the Twenty-First Century’, unpublished M.Litt thesis for Newcastle University, UK, 2010.

Works cited: Andrew Burn, 'Multi-Text Magic: Harry Potter in Book, Film and Videogame’, in Fiona M. Collins and Jeremy Ridgman (eds.),

Turning the Page: Children’s Literature in Performance and the Media (Bern: Peter Lang, 2006), pp. 227-49, and 'Potterliteracy: Cross-Media Narratives, Cultures and Grammars’, in

Children’s Literature , 14.2 (2004), pp. 5-17; Margaret Mackey, 'Media Adaptations’, in David Rudd (ed., 2010) as above, pp. 112-24; Maria Tatar, as above; Jacquelyn Ford Morie and Celia Pearce, 'Uses of Digital Enchantment: Computer Games as the New Fairy Tales’ (n.d.) can be read online at

http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~cpearce3/PearcePubs/ MoriePearceFROG-FINAL.pdf (accessed 04/11/2010).

الفصل الرابع: الأجناس الأدبية والأجيال: القصة العائلية مثالا

Details of the development of the individual genres discussed are found in Peter Hunt (ed., 2004) as above; discussions of the family/domestic story are found in M. O. Grenby,

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