علمي فکر

التفكير العلمي


J. LALOUP: La Science et l’humain, Paris (Casterman) 1960.

ERNEST NAGEL: The Structure of Science, N. Y., Harcourt-Brace, 1961.

ERNEST NAGEL: Sovereign Reason. Free Press, Glencoe, 1954.

KARL POPPER: The Logic of Scientific Discovery N. Y., Basic Bolls, 1959.

Sophia, 1973.

A. D. RITCHIE: Scientific Method. Littlefield & Adams. N. Y. 1960.

H. ROSE & S. ROSE: Science on Society.

B. RUSSELL: The Impact of Science on Society. Allen & Unwind. 1967.

The Scientific & Technological Revolution (several authors) Moscow, 1972.

S. TOULMIN: The Philosophy of Science, Hutchinson’s University Library, 1953.

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