علمي فکر او د معاصر حقیقت نوي پرمختګونه
التفكير العلمي ومستجدات الواقع المعاصر
Carnap, P.: The Interpretation of Physics, In; Feigl. H. and Brodbeck (Eds): Reading in Philosophy of Science, New York, Apploton-Century-Crofts, 1953. (4)
Carnap, P.: Formal and Factual Science, In; Feigl. H. and Brodbeck (Eds): Reading in Philosophy of Science, New York, Apploton-Century-Crofts, 1953. (5)
Fetzer, J. H. and Almeder, R. F.: Glossary of Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Paragan House, New York, 1993. (6)
Giere, N.: Testing Theoretical Hypothesis, In Earman, J., (Ed), Testing Scientific Theories, Un. of Minnessota, USA, 1988. (7)
Imre Lakatos: Changes in The Problem of Inductive Logic, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1968. (8)
Imre Lakatos: The Role of Crucial Experiments in Science, In Studies in History and Philosphy of Science,
1974. (9)
Imre Lakatos: Anomalies Versus Crucial Experiments, (Rejoinder to Professor Grunbaum), In: Imre Lakatos: Philosophical Papers Mathematics, Science and Epistemolgy, Edited By John Worrall and Gregory Currie, Cambridge, Cambridge University, 1993. (10)
Karl R. Popper: Realism and the Aim of Science, Great Britain, Gwild Ford and King’s Lynn, 1983. (11)
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