روسو: لنډه معرفي

احمد محمد روبي d. 1450 AH

روسو: لنډه معرفي

روسو: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


La Ville, la fête, la démocratie: Rousseau et les illusions de la communauté (Paris, 1978), which locates images of fraternal assembly throughout his political writings in general, including the

Lettre à d’Alembert sur les spectacles . Among the more striking commentaries on the political significance of theatre in that work is Patrick Coleman’s

Rousseau’s Political Imagination: Rule and Representation in the 'Lettre à d’Alembert’ (Geneva, 1984).

On Rousseau’s influence upon the course of the French Revolution, the documents and notes of volumes 46 to 49 of the Leigh edition of the

Correspondance complète (which ends not with the death of Rousseau but with that of Thérèse Levasseur in 1801) provide at least as much illumination as any of the separate works, among which the fullest treatment can be found in Roger Barny’s

L’Éclatement révolutionnaire du rousseauisme (Paris, 1988), with more broadly sketched perspectives in Carol Blum’s

Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue: The Language of Politics in the French Revolution (Ithaca, NY, 1986) and Joan McDonald’s

Rousseau and the French Revolution: 1762-1791 (London, 1965).

دراسات تقييمية لأعمال روسو الأخرى وعلاقاته الفكرية ومصادره

On Rousseau’s philosophy of education in

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