ستاسې وروستي لټونونه به دلته ښکاره شي
کلیوپټرا ملکه مصر
زینب کاتف d. 1450 AHكليوباترا ملكة مصر
http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/research/publications/ bmsaes/issue_2.aspx ---
www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/bmsaes/issue_ldpx . ---
The last queens of Egypt.
Britain: Pearson Education. ---
2003b. “The Ptolemaic royal image and the Egyptian tradition,” in Tait ed., 213-24. ---
Roman Memphis.
London: Institute of Archaeology. ---
ناپیژندل شوی مخ
د ۱ څخه ۱۱۱ ترمنځ یوه پاڼه ولیکئ