اراده آزاده: لنډه مقدمه

یاسر حسن d. 1450 AH

اراده آزاده: لنډه مقدمه

الإرادة الحرة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Determinism and Freedom in

by Suzanne Bobzien (Oxford University Press,

One fundamental figure in late antiquity is St Augustine. His

De Libero

(On Free Choice). This can be found in a recent English

فلسفة القرون الوسطى وعصر النهضة

A central figure in the 13th century is Thomas Aquinas. One very

Summa Theologiae , his overview of

, contains in questions 6-17 an

The Psychology of Human Acts

ناپیژندل شوی مخ