ستاسې وروستي لټونونه به دلته ښکاره شي
اقلیم: مقدمه لنډه
شيمه طاها ريدي d. 1450 AHالإقليم: مقدمة قصيرة
Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space
Routledge, London.
Unwin S 2000
An Architecture Notebook: Wall
Routledge, London. (1-3) الحدود
Berg E and Van Houtum H 2003
Routing Borders Between Territories: Discourses and Practices
Ashgate, Burlington, VT.
Buchanan A and Moore M eds. 2003
States, Nations and Borders: The Ethics of Making Boundaries
ناپیژندل شوی مخ
د ۱ څخه ۱۲۸ ترمنځ یوه پاڼه ولیکئ