العملية الإرشادية
العملية الإرشادية
دار غريب للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع
د ایډیشن شمېره
الأولى ١٤١٦هـ
د چاپ کال
Gustad، J.W "١٩٥٣" The definition of counseling. In R.F. Berdi "Ed" Roles and Relationships in counseling. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Hansen، J.C، Stevic، R.R، & Warner، W. "١٩٧٧" Counseling: Theory and Process. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Krumboltz، J.D "١٩٦٥" Behavioral Counseling: Rationale and Research: Personnel and Guidance Journal ٤٤،٣٨٣-٣٨٧.
Okun، B.F. "١٩٧٦" Effective helping: Interviewing and Counseling techniques. North Scituate، MA: Duxbury.
Patterson، C.H. "١٩٨٦" Theories of counseling and Psychotherapy "٤th ed" New York: Harper & Row.
Pepinsky، H. B. & Pepinsky، P. "١٩٥٤" Counceling: Theory and Practice. New York: Ronald Press.
Pietrofesa، J. J.، Splete، H.H.، Hoffman، A. & Pinto، D.V "١٩٧٨" Counseling: Theory research and practice. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Rogers،;C.R "١٩٥١" Client Centered Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Rogers، C. R "١٩٥٩" A theory of therapy: Personality and interpersonal relationships، as developed in the client-antered Framework. In S. Koch "Ed" Psychology: A Study of Science. Vol ٣. New York: McGrawhill.
Rotter، J. B "١٩٧١" Clinical Psychology "٢nd ed" Englewood cHffs. N. J: Prentice-Hall.
Stewart، N. R.، Winborn، B. B.، Johnson، R. G. Burks، H. M. & Engelkes، J. R. "١٩٧٨" Systematic Counseling. Englewood Cliffs. N. J. Prentice- Hall.
Sue، D.، Sue، D.، & Sue، S. "١٩٩٠" Understanding abnormal behavior "٣ rd ed" Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Tolbert، L. E. "١٩٥٩" Introduction to Counseling New York: McGraw-Hill.
Tyler، L. E "١٩٦٩" The Work of the Counselor "٣rd ed" New York: Appleton-Century Crafts.
Wollerg، L. R. "١٩٨٨" The technique of Psychotherapy. "٤th ed" Philadelphia، P. A: Grune & Stratton.
Wrenn، C. G " ١٩٥١" Student Personnel Work in College. New York: Ronald Press.
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