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الوجه الآخر للمسيح: موقف يسوع من اليهودية – مقدمة في الغنوصية
Culiano, Loan Petru; Gnosticism From The Middle Ages To The Present. In: M. Eliade, editor, Encyclopedia Of Religion, MacMillan, London, 1987.
Dart, John and Reigent, Ray, The Gospel of Thomas, Seastone, Berkley- California, 2000.
James, Montague Rhodes; The Apocryphal New Testament, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983.
Meyes, Marvin W.; The Secret Teachings of Jesus, Vintage, 1986.
Moor, Edward; Gnosticism, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Quispel, Gilles, Gnosticism, in: M. Eliad, editor, Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 5, MacMillan, London, 1987, Vol 5.
Robinson, James M. (editor); The Nag Hammadi Library, Harper and Row, New York, 1978.
Rodolph, Kurt; Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism, Harper Collins, New York, 1987.
Spencer Lewis, Herbert; the Mystical Life of Jesus, AMORC, San Jose, California, 1982.
Stewart, Desmond; The Foreigner; A Search for the First Century Jesus, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1981.
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