Sinima dan Falsafah
السينما والفلسفة: ماذا تقدم إحداهما للأخرى
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Sinima dan Falsafah
Nivin Cabd Rauf d. 1450 AHالسينما والفلسفة: ماذا تقدم إحداهما للأخرى
Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University
Read, Rupert, & Jerry Goodenough, eds. (2005).
Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema After Wittgenstein and Cavell.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rowland, Mark (2005).
London: Ebury
Russell, Bruce (2006). “The Philosophical Limits of Film.” In Noël Carroll & Jinhee Choi, eds.,
Malden, MA: Blackwell, 387-90.
Scruton, Roger (1998) [Methuen, 1983]. “Photography and Representation.” In
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