Masalah Timur dan Persidangan Paris
المسألة الشرقية ومؤتمر باريس
Carian terkini anda akan muncul di sini
Masalah Timur dan Persidangan Paris
Muhammad Mustafa Safwat d. 1380 AHالمسألة الشرقية ومؤتمر باريس
N. Dodwell: The founder of Modern Egypt.
The Russell correspondence.
2 vols edited by yooch, 1925.
Mosely, p. E.: Russian Diplomacy & the Opening of the Eastern Question 1838-39, Harvard 1934.
A. Ubicini: Letters on Turkey 2 vols. 1856 Lane-Pool, I Stratford Canning.
Sir A. H. Layard: Auto biography & letters 1903, 2 vols.
Ed. Engelhardt: La Turquie et le Tanzimat. 1882.
R. W. Seton-Watson: The Southern Slav Question & the Hapsburg Monarchy 1911.
Schmitr B.L: Diplomatic Preliminaies of the Cremean war.
Am. His. Rev XXV. Yan 1919.
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