Selepas Pasca-Moden: Pengenalan yang Sangat Ringkas

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Selepas Pasca-Moden: Pengenalan yang Sangat Ringkas

ما بعد الحداثة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


The Postmodern Turn (Ohio State University Press, 1987). Derrida’s thoughts on literature are conveniently brought together in Derek Attridge (ed.),

Jacques Derrida: Acts of Literature (Routlege, 1992). Steven Connor’s

(Blackwell, 1989) is strongly committed to an eclectic range of postmodernist theories. Charles Jencks’s alternative view is neatly summarized in his

What Is Postmodernism? , revised edn. (Academy, 1996).

For an account of the politics of postmodernism, following Jameson, see

The Origins of Postmodernity (Verso 1998). On nationalist narratives in the postmodern period, looked at from a broadly postmodernist theoretical standpoint, see Elleke Boehmer,

Colonial and Postcolonial Literature (Oxford University

Nation and Narration (Routledge, 1990). An excellent early example of the use of Marx, Freud, and deconstruction in literary analysis is Terry Eagleton,

Criticism and Ideology (NLB, 1976). Useful because they make period contrasts are Patricia Waugh,

(Arnold, 1992) and Peter Brooker,

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