Luther: Pengenalan Ringkas Sangat
مارتن لوثر: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Treatise on Good Works . They present the most lucid and accessible contrast of Luther’s theology and proposals for reform with the medieval religion he wanted to change. Then sample Luther’s correspondence, for example in the excellent edition by Gottfried Krodel in volumes 48-50 of the American edition, and this complicated man and his world with all its peaks and valleys will come alive.
The Martin Luther Studienausgabe (StA: Berlin and Leipzig 1979-) contains recent scholarly introductions to selected Luther writings with 16th-century orthography and a glossary of early new High German. For more assistance with reading Luther in Latin and German, consult the following: Birgit Stolt, 'Germanistische Hilfsmittel zum Lutherstudium’,
Lutherjahrbuch , 46 (1979), 120-35; Johannes Schilling, 'Latinistische Hilfsmittel zum Lutherstudium’,
Lutherjahrbuch , 55 (1988), 83-101. Available also is a recent three-volume edition of selected Luther texts in Latin with German translation on facing pages (Leipzig, 2006-9).
مواقع ويب
Many websites on Luther and the Reformation contain inaccurate content, but the following offer helpful and reliable information. (All accessed 23 June 2010.) ( ) The official website of the Luther decade (2008-17) with news updates and information about the Reformation jubilee 2017 and pictures from Luther sites. ( ) The Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg offers seminars, conferences, dialogues, and publications to enhance relations between Lutherans and other churches. ( ) The Lutheran World Federation, which has the most up-to-date information about Lutheran ecumenism and churches around the world. ( ) Website of the Lutherhalle in Wittenberg, one of four Luther museums that comprise the Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen Anhalt, a foundation that provides information about museums, research, educational offerings, and databases for learning about the Reformation and visiting the Luther memorial sites. (
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