Luther: Pengenalan Ringkas Sangat
مارتن لوثر: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Table Talk . Owing to its careful preparation and helpful indexes, the
Table Talk
has gradually gained credibility as a reliable source of Luther’s life and thought when it is judiciously interpreted. The Weimar edition is readable and searchable online from Chadwyck at
http://www.luther. . In addition, the publisher (Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger Weimar) has made available at a reasonable price easily readable reprints of all four sections of the Weimar edition.
Hundreds of books and essays about Luther are available, but once an introduction or biography has provided sufficient background, Luther is best consulted directly about himself. Reader-friendly editions and translations are available in many languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Chinese, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, and Korean. For English readers, the American edition of
Luther’s Works (LW) in 55 volumes (1955-86) published by Fortress Press and Concordia Publishing House is being expanded by Concordia; and Fortress Press is issuing separately new translations of key works in a series named
Luther Study Edition. Luther’s Works
is also available on CD-ROM. A good place to start is not the Ninety-Five Theses, but treatises from the 1520s like
Freedom of a Christian
and the
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