Wilayah: Pengenalan Ringkas

Shayma Taha Raydi d. 1450 AH

Wilayah: Pengenalan Ringkas

الإقليم: مقدمة قصيرة


Ó Tuathail G and Dalby S eds. 1998

Rethinking Geopolitics

Routledge, London.

Ó Tuathail G, Dalby S and Routledge P eds. 1998

The Geopolitics Reader . Routledge, London. (1-5) علم النفس البيئي

Altman I 1975

The Environment and Social Behavior: Privacy, Personal Space, Territory and Crowding

Brooks-Cole, Monterey, CA.

Kirby K 1996

Indifferent Boundaries: Spatial Concepts of Human Subjectivity

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