Hasad Falsafi

الحصاد الفلسفي للقرن العشرين : وبحوث فلسفية أخرى


مصادر البحث

Towards a Rational Society (including Technology and science as ideology), Boston: Beacon Press, 1971 .

Knowledge and Human Interests, Boston: Beacon Press, 1972 .

Legitimation Crisis, Boston: Beacon Press, 1973 .

Theory and Practice, Boston: Beacon Press, 1973 .

Communication and the Evoluation of Society, Boston: Beacon Press, 1979 .

Theory of Communicative Action 2 vols, Boston: Beacon

1986 .

The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press 1987 .

On the Logic of the Social Sciences, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1988 .

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