Falsafah Sains Biologi: Pengenalan yang Sangat Ringkas
فلسفة علم الأحياء: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Molecular Models of Life (MIT Press, 2004).
الفصل السابع: السلوك البشري والعقل والثقافة
A good overview of how evolutionary biology can be applied to the study of human behaviour is Kevin Laland and Gillian Brown’s
Sense and Nonsense (Oxford University Press, 2002). Kenneth Schaffner’s book
Behaving: What’s Genetic, What’s Not, and Why Should We Care? (Oxford University Press, 2016) offers a searching discussion of behaviour genetics, heritability analysis, and the challenges to the nature-nurture dichotomy. Edward O. Wilson’s
On Human Nature (Harvard University Press, 1978) is the original defence of human sociobiology; Wilson’s ideas are critiqued by Philip Kitcher in
Vaulting Ambition (MIT Press, 1985). John Tooby and Leda Cosmides outline evolutionary psychology in their 'The psychological foundations of culture’, in H. Barkow, L. Cosmides, and J. Tooby (eds.)
The Adapted Mind (Oxford University Press, 1992). Good philosophical discussions include Steve Downes’s article 'Evolutionary psychology’ in the online
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , and David Buller’s book
Adapting Minds (MIT Press, 2005). Cultural evolution theory is outlined by Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd in their book
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