Engels: Pengenalan Singkat

Safiya Mukhtar d. 1450 AH

Engels: Pengenalan Singkat

إنجلز: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Main Currents of Marxism , translated by P. S. Falla, vol. 1 (Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1978); David McLellan,

Marxism after Marx (Macmillan, London, 1979; Harper & Row, New York, 1980); and Alvin W. Gouldner,

The Two Marxisms (Macmillan, London; Seabury Press, New York, 1980). Two recent studies on this theme are S. H. Rigby,

Engels and the Formation of Marxism: History, Dialectics and Revolution (Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 1992), and J. D. Hunley,

The Life and Thought of Friedrich Engels: A Reinterpretation (Yale University Press,New Haven, and London, 1991).

Four articles of interest in which Engels’s work is discussed are: Terrell Carver, 'Marx, Engels, and Dialectics’,

, 28/3 (September 1980), 353-63; Gareth Stedman Jones, 'Engels and the End of Classical German Philosophy’,

New Left Review , 79 (May-June 1973), 17-36; the same author’s 'Engels and the Genesis of Marxism’,

New Left Review , 106 (November-December 1977), 79-104; and Paul Thomas, 'Marx and Science’,

Studies , 24/1 (March 1976), 1-23. The last-named article has been particularly helpful to me in working out my views on Engels.

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