Dadaisme dan Surrealisme: Pengenalan Ringkas Sangat

Ahmad Muhammad Rubi d. 1450 AH

Dadaisme dan Surrealisme: Pengenalan Ringkas Sangat

الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


An Endless

(ICA and Verso, 1989), p. 26.

Raoul Vaneigem,

The Revolution of Everyday Life,

tr. J. Fullerton and P. Sieveking (Rising Free Collective, 1979), p. 177.

قراءات إضافية

Many key primary sources have been cited as references. The following are also useful.

مجموعات منقحة

Robert Motherwell,

The Dada

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