Kembalinya Maut Hitam: Pembunuh Paling Berbahaya Sepanjang Zaman

Fayiqa Jirjis Hanna d. 1450 AH

Kembalinya Maut Hitam: Pembunuh Paling Berbahaya Sepanjang Zaman

عودة الموت الأسود: أخطر قاتل على مر العصور


The Black Death in the Middle East , Princeton, NJ: Princeton University

The effect of the plagues in controlling the demography of Europe is covered in two of our books: Scott, S. and Duncan, C. J. (1998)

Human Demography and Disease , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, and Scott S. and Duncan, C. J. (2002)

Demography and Nutrition , Oxford: Blackwell.

There are many papers or books that cover specialized aspects of our story, for example:

Davis, D. E. (1986) 'The scarcity of rats and the Black Death: An ecological history’,

Journal of Interdisciplinary History,

XVI: 455-70.

Dyer, A. (1997) 'The English Sweating Sickness of 1551: An epidemic anatomized’,

Medical History,

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