1177 SM: Tahun Kehancuran Peradaban
١١٧٧ق.م.: عام انهيار الحضارة
Carian terkini anda akan muncul di sini
1177 SM: Tahun Kehancuran Peradaban
Muhammad Hamid Darwish d. 1450 AH١١٧٧ق.م.: عام انهيار الحضارة
American Journal of Archaeology
104/3: 513-30.
Barako, T. J. 2001.
The Seaborne Migration of the
Harvard University.
Barako, T. J. 2003a. One If by Sea ... Two If by Land: How Did the Philistines Get to Canaan? One: by Sea-A Hundred Penteconters Could Have Carried 5000 People Per Trip.
Biblical Archaeology Review
29/2: 26-33, 64-66.
Barako, T. J. 2003b. The Changing
Invasion or Cultural Diffusion? In
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