Bertrand Russell: Pengenalan Ringkas Sangat
برتراند راسل: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Bertrand Russell: Pengenalan Ringkas Sangat
Iman Jamal Din Farmawi d. 1450 AHبرتراند راسل: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Mysticism and Logic,
paperback edn. (Allen & Unwin, 1963).
(Allen & Unwin, 1938).
Reconstruction (Allen & Unwin, 1916).
Religion and Science (Oxford University Press, 1935).
Why I Am Not A Christian (Allen & Unwin, 1957).
(Routledge, 1994; first published 1917).
Roads to Freedom (Allen & Unwin, 1918).
(Allen & Unwin, 1958).
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