Warna dan Respon Manusia
الألوان والاستجابات البشرية
Carian terkini anda akan muncul di sini
Warna dan Respon Manusia
Safiya Mukhtar d. 1450 AHالألوان والاستجابات البشرية
The Perception of Color,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974.
Eysenck, H. J., “A Critical and Experimental Study of Colour Preferences,”
American Journal of
July 1941.
Fergusson, James,
A History of Architecture in All Countries,
John Murray, London, 1893.
Ferree, C. E. and Gertrude Rand, “Lighting and the Hygiene of the Eye,”
Archives of Ophthalmology,
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