Teka-Teki Sejarah Yang Menghairankan: Penyelidikan Menarik Mengenai Kejadian Paling Misteri Sepanjang Zaman
ألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن
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Teka-Teki Sejarah Yang Menghairankan: Penyelidikan Menarik Mengenai Kejadian Paling Misteri Sepanjang Zaman
Shayma Taha Raydi d. 1450 AHألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن
Sigmund Freud,
The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,
trans. under the general editorship of James Strachey in collaboration with Anna Freud (London: Hogarth Press, 1953-1974). Of these twentyfour volumes, the most relevant are volume 7 (
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality , published in 1905 and including the first public retraction of the seduction theory) and volume 20 (
An Autobiographical Study , published in 1925 and with a subtly different recollection) .
Jeffrey Masson, ed.,
The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess,
trans. from the German by Masson (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1985). The unexpurgated version and, regardless of whether you find Masson’s interpretation persuasive, a revealing look at Freud’s thoughts in the making .
Ernest Jones,
The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (New York: Basic Books, 1953-1957), three volumes. Jones, himself an important figure in the history of psychoanalysis, wrote what remains the most comprehensive biography .
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