Seribu Satu Malam dalam Kesusasteraan Dunia dan Kajian dalam Kesusasteraan Bandingan
الرواية الأم: ألف ليلة وليلة في الآداب العالمية ودراسة في الأدب المقارن
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Seribu Satu Malam dalam Kesusasteraan Dunia dan Kajian dalam Kesusasteraan Bandingan
Mahir Battuti d. 1450 AHالرواية الأم: ألف ليلة وليلة في الآداب العالمية ودراسة في الأدب المقارن
Hess, Catherine (editor): The Arts of Fire-Islamic Influence on Glass and Ceramics of the Italian Renaissance, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2004.
Hovannisian, Richard and Georges Sabagh (editors): The Thousand and One Nights in Arabic Literature and Society, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Irwin, Robert: The Arabian Nights, a Companion,
Juan Manuel, Infante Don: El Conde Lucanor, Editorial Magisterio Español, 1971.
Kabbani, Rana: Europe’s Myths of Orient, Indiana University Press, 1986.
Kaplan, Justin: Walt Whitman - A life, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1980.
Karolides, Nicholas J., Margaret Bald and Dawn B. Sova: 100 Banned Books, Checkmark books, New York, 1999.
Kean, P. M.: The Pearl, An Interpretation, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1967.
Kelly, Douglas: Medieval French Romance, Twaynee Publishers, New York, 1993.
Lane, Edward William: Arab Society in the Time of the Thousand and One nights, Dover Publications, 2004.
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