2th Abad AH
112 Teks-teks
The 2nd century AH (100 AH to 200 AH) was a pivotal era in the development of Islamic scholarship and jurisprudence. This century witnessed the emergence of foundational figures whose works would shape the intellectual and legal landscape of Islam for centuries to come. Scholars like al-Šaybānī and Abū Ḥanīfa played crucial roles in the establishment of the Hanafi school of thought, emphasizing the use of reason and personal opinion in jurisprudence. Meanwhile, figures such as Ibn Wahb Qurashi a...
The 2nd century AH (100 AH to 200 AH) was a pivotal era in the development of Islamic scholarship and jurisprudence. This century witnessed the emergence of foundational figures whose works would shap...
Fadail Mekah
فضائل مكة
Hassan Al-Basri (d. 110 AH)الحسن البصري (ت. 110 هجري)
التصاريف لتفسير القرآن مما اشتبهت أسمائه وتصرفت معانيه
Yahya Ibn Salam (d. 200 AH)يحيى بن سلام بن أبي ثعلبة، التيمي بالولاء، من تيم ربيعة، البصري ثم الإفريقي القيرواني (المتوفى: 200هـ) (ت. 200 هجري)
Masail Ali bin Ja'far
مسائل علي بن جعفر
Ibn Jacfar Sadiq (d. 200 AH)ابن الإمام جعفر الصادق (ع) (ت. 200 هجري)
Diwan Abdullah bin Mubarak
ديوان عبد الله بن المبارك
Abdullah bin Mubarak (d. 181 AH)عبد الله بن المبارك (ت. 181 هجري)