तिम्बकटू के पुस्तक भगोड़े

मुहम्मद हामिद दरवीश d. 1450 AH

तिम्बकटू के पुस्तक भगोड़े

مهربو كتب تمبكتو: السعي للوصول إلى المدينة التاريخية والسباق من


Edited and expanded by H. Hotz and J. C. Nott.

Gout, Frédéric.

Libérez Tombouctou! Journal de guerre au Mali.


Grossman, Ron. “African Manuscripts Rewriting History: Northwestern Professor Uncovers 16th Century Writings by a Black African That Contradict Many Western Preconceptions.”

Chicago Tribune , April 9, 2001.

Guidère, Mathieu. “The Timbuktu Letters: New Insights about AQIM.”

Res Militaris

4, no. 1 (Winter-Spring 2014).

Haidara, Abdel Kader. “An Overview of the Major Manuscript Libraries in Timbuktu.” In

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