जॉन लॉक: एक बहुत ही संक्षिप्त परिचय

फैयिका जिरजिस हन्ना d. 1450 AH

जॉन लॉक: एक बहुत ही संक्षिप्त परिचय

جون لوك: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


From Persecution to Toleration (Clarendon

American Journal of Political Science,

46, 2002. Two major recent systematic studies of his work as a whole from a historical point of view are Ian Harris,

The Mind of John Locke

and John Marshall,

John Locke, Resistance, Religion and Responsibility (Cambridge University Press, 1994). Both authors (alongside John Milton and Victor Nuovo) also have extremely valuable essays in M. A. Stewart (ed.),

English Philosophy in the Age of Locke (Clarendon Press, 2000). There are several helpful articles in J. W. Yolton (ed.),

John Locke. Problems and Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 1969); see especially Ashcraft and Aarsleff. The most penetrating discussion of the evolution of Locke’s own political commitments is to be found in Ashcraft’s study,

Revolutionary Politics (Princeton University Press, 1986), in a number of studies by Mark Goldie, notably, 'John Locke and Anglican Royalism’,

March 1983, and in the Introduction to Laslett’s edition of the

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