आपकी हाल की खोजें यहाँ दिखाई देंगी
जब्र धाती
इमाम अब्द फतह इमाम d. 1440 AHالجبر الذاتي
Contemporary Schools of psychology, (Methuen) 1913. (2) الدوريات (1)
Bradley, F. H.
Is there any special Activity of Attention? “O.S., xi No. 43, 1886.
______ “on pleasre, pain, Desire, and volition” O.S. xiii, No. 49, 1888.
______ “On Active Attention” n.S., xi, No. 41, 1902.
______ “the Definition of the Will (I)” N.S., XI, No. 44, 1902.
______ “The Definition of the Will (II)” N.S. xii No.46, 1903.
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