The Analysis of Mind (Allen and Univin lib. of Philosophy). 1921. (62)
A Critical Exposition of the Phlosophy of Leibniz (Camb. at the Univ. Press) 1900. (63) Sherrington, C.
Man On his Nature (Camb, at the Univ press), 1946. (The Gifford lectures for 1937-38). (64) Sidgwick, h.: The Methods of Ethics, 3re ed., (Macmillan and Co.), 1884. (65) Spinoza; Ethics, Eng. Translation by W. Hale white, 1930. (66)
Correspondence, Eng. Trans by A Wolf (Allen and Union) 1927. (67) Stallknecht, N. P.
Bergson’s idea of Creation (A. Ph. D. dissertation presented to Princeton Unive), 1930. (68) Stout, G. F.: Manual of psyehology, 3rd. ed (The unv. Tutorial series), 1913. (69) Sully, J.
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