मानवीय स्वतंत्रता और विज्ञान: एक दार्शनिक समस्या

युम्ना तारिफ खुली d. 1450 AH

मानवीय स्वतंत्रता और विज्ञान: एक दार्शनिक समस्या

الحرية الإنسانية والعلم: مشكلة فلسفية


Spinoza B., Ethics: proved in Geometrical order, trans. By: A Boyle, introduced by: G. Santyana, Everyman’s Library, London, 1950 . (47)

Stebbing. Suzan, Philosophy and

1958 . (48)

Weiss. Paul, Nature & man, Southern Illions press, 1967 . (49)

Weiss. Paul, man’s Freedom, Southern Illions press, 1967 . (50)

Whitehead A.N., Science and Modern World, Collins Fontana Books, Glasgow, 1975 . (51)

Whitely. C. H., Mind in Action: an Essays on Philosophical psychology, Oxford University Press, 1973 . (52)

Wittgenstien. Ludwig, On Certainity, edited by G.E. Anscomb & C. H. von Wright, Harper Tarchbook, New York, 1972 . (53)

Wolf Susan, The Importance of Freewill, mind, vol. XC, 1981 .

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