काल मौत की वापसी: सभी समय का सबसे खतरनाक हत्यारा
عودة الموت الأسود: أخطر قاتل على مر العصور
McNeill, W. H. (1977)
, Oxford: Blackwell gives a general account.
An account of events during the arrival of the Great Pestilence is given in Ziegler, P. (1969)
The Black Death , London: Collins.
Biraben, J. N. (1975)
Les hommes et la peste en France et dans les pays Européens et Méditerraneens, Vols 1 and 2 , Paris: Mouton & Co and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. An invaluable compilation of the recorded plagues in Europe, listed by geographic area. There is a comprehensive bibliography. Biraben also gives an authoritative account of true bubonic plague at Marseille in 1720-22.
Diary of Samuel
, London: J. M. Dent. The Great Plague of London in 1665-66 is the best documented of all the epidemics in Europe. Samuel Pepys stayed in London throughout and went about his daily business. His diary is lively and provides an invaluable eye-witness account.
Defoe, D. (1722)
Diary of a Plague Year , London: Everyman’s Library. Daniel Defoe was six in 1665 and did not write his very readable story of the Great Plague until 1722. It has been criticized as being fictional, but checking against contemporary sources suggests that this is an accurate account of life during one of the terrible epidemics.
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