यूरोपीय महिला रसायनज्ञ
عالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء
आपकी हाल की खोजें यहाँ दिखाई देंगी
यूरोपीय महिला रसायनज्ञ
हिबा अब्द अज़ीज़ घनीम d. 1450 AHعالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء
5, 541-549.
Marquet, A., Tse Sum Bui, B., Smith, A. G. and Warren, M. J. (2007) Iron-sulfur proteins as initiators of radical chemistry.
Nat. Prod. Rep.,
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Viger, A., Coustal, S., Perard, S., Piffeteau, A. and Marquet, A. (1989) 18-substituted progesterone derivatives as inhibitors of aldosterone biosynthesis.
J. Steroid Biochem.,
33, 119-124.
Website of “Chimie et Société”
http://www.maisondelachimie.asso.fr/chimiesociete/ .
Website of the CNRS ethics committee
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