नाजी जर्मनी: आधुनिक यूरोपीय इतिहास का एक अध्ययन (1939-1945)

मुहम्मद फुआद शुक्री d. 1392 AH

नाजी जर्मनी: आधुनिक यूरोपीय इतिहास का एक अध्ययन (1939-1945)

ألمانيا النازية: دراسة في التاريخ الأوروبي المعاصر (١٩٣٩–١٩٤٥)


Bruce, M. British Foreign Policy. London 1939. (9)

Ciano, The Ciano Diaries 1939-1943, New York 1946. (10)

Citrine, Sir W. My Finnish Diary. London 1940. (11)

Clark. G. N. Holland and the War. Oxford 1941. (12) ... Belgium and the War. Oxford 1942. (13)

Duchess of Atholl. Searh Light on Spain. London 1938. (14)

Duff, Ch. A Key to Victory: Spain. London 1940. (15)

Duff, S. G. Europe and the Czechs. London 1938 . (16)

Dutt, R. P. World Politics 1918-1936. London 1936. (17)

Eastman, M. Stalin’s Russia and the Crisis in Socialism. London 1940. (18)

Fischer, L. Stalin and Hitler. London 1940. (19)

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