ऐतिहासिक पहेलियाँ

शायमा ताहा रायदी d. 1450 AH

ऐतिहासिक पहेलियाँ

ألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن


The Tomb of Tutankhamen (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1954). How does it feel to find yourself face to face with a pharaoh from three thousand years ago? Carter captures the awe and excitement of his history-making discovery. Originally published in 1924 .

I. E. S. Edwards,

The Pyramids of Egypt (Middlesex, Eng.: Viking, 1947). Still the classic history of the pyramids and their cultural and religious significance .

Secrets of the Great

(New York: Harper & Row, 1971). A fascinating but too uncritical compendium of alternative explanations for Khufu’s tomb .

Kurt Mendelssohn,

The Riddle of the

(New York: Praeger, 1974). The pyramids as a political statement .

Brian Fagan,

The Rape of the Nile (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1975). Tomb robbers, tourists, and archaeologists in Egypt through the ages, with a special focus on Belzoni: “the greatest plunderer of them all.”

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