एडम स्मिथ: एक संक्षिप्त परिचय

कैली हैरिस d. 1450 AH

एडम स्मिथ: एक संक्षिप्त परिचय

آدم سميث: مقدمة موجزة


Haakonssen, K., and A. S. Skinner (2003),

Index to the Works of Adam Smith , Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.

Meek, R. I., D. D. Raphael and P. G. Stein (eds) (1982),

Lectures on Jurisprudence , Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.

Mossner, E. C., and I. S. Ross (eds) (1987),

Correspondence of Adam Smith , revised edn, Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.

Raphael, D. D., and A. L. Macfie (eds) (1984),

The Theory of Moral Sentiments , Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.

Wightman, W. P. D., and J. C. Bryce (eds) (1982),

Essays on Philosophical Subjects , Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund (this volume includes Dugald Stewart’s 'Account of the life and writings of Adam Smith LLD’). (2) إصدارات أخرى عن أعمال آدم سميث

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