Yutubiyya: Gabatarwa mai Sauda kaɗan
اليوتوبية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Yutubiyya: Gabatarwa mai Sauda kaɗan
Diya Warrad d. 1450 AHاليوتوبية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
On monasticism, see George A. Hillery, Jr, and Paula C. Morrow, 'The Monastery as a Commune’,
International Review of Modern Sociology,
6.1 (Spring 1976): 139-54 (reprinted as only by Hillery in
Communes: Historical and Contemporary , ed. Ruth Shonle Cavan and Man Singh Das (New Delhi, India: Vikas
On Jewish utopianism, see Michael Higger,
The Jewish Utopia (Baltimore: The Lord Baltimore Press, 1932).
الفصل السادس
At the time of writing, there is no general study of the role utopianism plays in political theory.
الفصل السابع
The best introduction to ideology is Michael Freeden,
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Shigar da lambar shafi tsakanin 1 - 95