Maharraban Littattafai na Timbuktu

Muhammad Hamid Darwish d. 1450 AH

Maharraban Littattafai na Timbuktu

مهربو كتب تمبكتو: السعي للوصول إلى المدينة التاريخية والسباق من


Oxford Dictionary of National Biography . Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. Excerpts from diary. In “Explore Gates’ Diary: The Road to Timbuktu.”

Wonders of the African World , PBS, . (Cited as being from

The New Yorker .)

Gelfand, Michael. “Rivers of Death in Africa, an Inaugural Lecture Given at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland” (1963). London: Oxford University Press, 1964.

Ghali, Noureddine, and Mohamed Mahibou, with Louis Brenner.

Inventaire de la Bibliothèque 'Umarienne de Segou (conservée à la Bibliothèque Nationale-Paris).

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1985.

Gobineau, Arthur de.

The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races: With Particular Reference to Their Respective Influence in the Civil and Political History of Mankind.

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