Method of Studying Religions Between Sheikh Rahmatullah Al-Hindi and Reverend Pfander
منهج دراسة الأديان بين الشيخ رحمت الله الهندي والقس فندر
(١) «Gerland H.Anderson، Biographical dictionary of Christian missions، (Wm.B.Edemans publishing،E ٢،١٩٩٩) . Newyork: ١٩٩٨. P ٥٨٥ - ٥٨٦ Safdar Ali: (C.١٨٣٠ - ١٨٩٩)، lay theologian of the church in India. Born of an orthodox muslim family in Agra، Safdar received an Islamic education before graduating from a british government college.He became inspector of schools in Rawlpindi and Jabalper. A respected Muslim mavlvi، in ١٨٥٤ he attended the debates between Karl pfandar and Muslim religious leaders in Agra. Chriticism of Christianity was part of a personal religious quest that braught him to Sufism. Friendship with the Hindu convert Nehemiah Goreh led him to study the Psalms and Newtestament. Adopting Goreh as his spiritual guide، he was baptized on Christmas day ١٨٦٤ by E.Champion، the CMS missioner in Jabalpur. Though he was the first Indian muslim religious scholar to receive baptism، two other Muslim teachers converted with him، and this news may have influenced Imad ud-Din who converted in ١٨٦٦. Unlike Imad، Safdar was never ordained، and his writings، though fewer، were less polemical. His preference for potery is exemplified in his best known work، Ghaza eRuh، in which he recounted his conversion. In his major systematic work، Niygaz Nama، he defende the intergrity of the Christian scriptures without reheasing old themes of Muslim- Christian polemics.He constantly urged overseas missionaries to live and articulate the gosbel in spiritually appropriate ways among Muslims.
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