Dan Adamtaka: Gabatarwa Mai Gajarta
الإنسانوية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Double Cross: The Code of the Catholic Church (London: Theo Press, 2006) is the source of the quotations from the Primate of Poland (p. 196) and Konrad Adenaur (p. 218).
الفصل السادس
For the Topping study, see S. Trickey and K. J. Topping, '“Philosophy for Children”: A Systematic Review’,
Research Papers in Education,
Vol. 19, No. 3, September 2004. Also see, e.g., Ofsted reports for schools participating in philosophy for children projects summarized in the document
Extracts from Ofsted Inspection Reports Highlighting the Use of Philosophy , available from SAPERE.
The Buranda school source is the Buranda State School Showcase 2003 Submission Form.
Jonathan Glover, 'Into the Garden of Good and Evil’,
The Guardian,
13 October 1999.
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