Le discours coranique aux gens du livre et leur attitude envers lui : passé et présent
الخطاب القرآني لأهل الكتاب وموقفهم منه قديما وحديثا
The study discussed the Quranic discourses that bounded for the people of the book in the ancient and modern ages. It aimed to clarify their positions from those discourses، approach them to the obviously true way of Allah، and obey His commands and prohibitions. The study used the analytical and inductive methods; it studied the Quranic discourses in substantive analytical method to see its related phenomena. The study came out with several finding: It assured that Quranic discourses are universal and comprehensive for all human kind; it addressed all significant sorts which related to people of the book، and it also found the suitable solutions for their problems easily. The study showed that the beliefs of people of the book in modern age are same with the beliefs of their ancestors in term of treatments and behaviors; it found that the positions of Quranic discourses were negative attitude، they did not accomplish their commitments towards the God، that led the descendents of Jews and Christians in modern age more worst than their ancestors in terms of shirk، revenge from the messengers، denunciation of the covenant، exaggeration، distortion and sedition to their generation. The study also showed that the people of book practice the distortion and hiding books until these day; these distortions created the enmity and hatred among themselves that show a contradictory in their book with modern sciences in term of its context and content. Unlike the Holy Quran; it's the true word of Allah that He promised to save until the judgment day.
However the people of the book attempted to distort the Quran، but their attempts failed utterly. The study also showed that the ordinary people of the book received their religion erroneously from their rabbis and monks، as well as they received Islam that led most of them to leave the spirit of belonging to any religion; they moved to atheism and secularism. Today، they need a pure Islamic approach to clarify for them the real Islam، expose to them the greatness of Islam، emphasize that Islam is eternal religion of God and religion of all messengers and prophets.
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