La nourriture dans l'ancien monde
الطعام في العالم القديم
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La nourriture dans l'ancien monde
Iman Jamal Din Farmawi d. 1450 AHالطعام في العالم القديم
Markets and Fairs in Roman Italy (Oxford: Clarendon
Frayn J 1995 'The Roman meat trade’ in Wilkins, Harvey & Dobson: 107-14.
Frost F 1999 'Sausage and meat preservation in antiquity’,
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
40: 241-52.
Gallant T 1984
A Fisherman’s Tale (Ghent).
Gallant T 1991
Risk and Survival in Ancient Greece: Reconstructing the Rural Domestic Economy (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press).
Garnsey P D A 1988
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