La nourriture dans l'ancien monde
الطعام في العالم القديم
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La nourriture dans l'ancien monde
Iman Jamal Din Farmawi d. 1450 AHالطعام في العالم القديم
The Magic Harvest: Food, Folklore and Society (Oxford: Polity Press; trans. of
La terra e la luna , Milan: Il Saggiatore 1989).
Cary E 1914-27
Cassius Dio: Historia Romana (London: Harvard University
Cassin B, Labarrière J-L, and Romeyer Dherbey G 1997
L’Animal dans l’Antiquité (Paris: J Vrin).
Chang K C 1977
Food in Chinese Culture (New Haven, CT: Yale University
Claridge A 1998
Rome (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
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